2008年5月15日 星期四

Phonological questions

1. What are phonological universals?

2. What is traditional phonology?

3. How do phonology evolve into its current state?

4. How phonology is going to be changed?

5. What factors contribute to those phonological changes?

6. What new methods can we use in phonology?

7. Where do phonologists acquire informations?

8. What other fields can phonology apply to?

2008年5月8日 星期四

The Secret

"The Secret"(中譯:《秘密--心想事成的方法》)
此書作者為Rhonda Byrne, 因為出了這本極為簡單易懂卻又重要的暢銷書,被《時代》雜誌選為二零零七年最有影響力的人物之一,此書在美國短短一年就賣出八百萬本,台灣在去年中出版之後連印四十三刷.銷售逾三十三萬本.
1. Think clearly about your "available" dreams
2. Use positive words to discribe them
3. Order to the universe
4. Visualize your dreams
5. Try to take the first step to change the current circumstance
6. Feel you've already changed into a future circumstance and think more details
7. Thoughts become things
1. Do the 80% important things in 20% limited time
2. Separate things into several categories with quickness or slowness
3. Check your time schedule usually