So much about genetics of behavioral variations within species. The sources cited are only a small sample of the ever-growing field. The studies demonstrate that genetic mechanisms definitely play a role in the development of an individual’s behavior. Many problems remain to be solved. This science is young and its major victories have yet to be won.
It is very tempting to generalize from the genetic experiments mentioned to the genetic basis underlying behavioral variations between species. Although there is little doubt among evolutionists that interspecies differences—be they morphological or behavioral—must eventually be explained by genetic mechanisms, it is well to remember that there are no experiments as yet in which new species have been created. Thus, speciation continues to be a problem—one in which we cannot afford to be involved in the present discussion. For our purpose and argument it will be quite sufficient to mention a few points on which there is wide agreement. Probably the most remarkable of these is that every species has a unique behavior repertoire. Furthermore, the behavioral variations within a species tend to be less pronounced than those between species. Thus the morphological differences on which taxonomy was first based are no more distinctive than behavioral differences, and many ethologists have high hopes that behavior by itself may have the same heuristic value in taxonomy as morphology. This is not a necessary consequence on interspecies behavioral variations. These variations need not have the same evolutionary history as morphology. Theoretically, at least, they mat have greater randomness than form in their distribution or they may be more susceptible to selection pressures than form. However this may be, there are several instances in which species were discovered on the ground of behavioral differences with subsequent confirmation by morphological criteria, as well as instances in which species could be confidently grouped into one family primarily on the grounds of a common behavioral trait (Mayr, 1958).
Genetics and evolutionary science point to an inevitable conclusion: behavioral must be considered in the context of species, that is, with references to the specific type of animal that behaves, and thus behavioral science is inseparable from any other biological consideration that concerns that animal.
10 年前